
Python Programming

Python Decision Making Statements

They are used to control flow in execution of program depends upon condition is true when the block will execute and if the condition is flase then block will not execute.

Python assumes non-zero and non-null values a TRUE and if it is zero or null then it assumes as FALSE.

In below are the types of decision making statements:

1.    if statements

2.    if....else statements

3.    nested if statements


if and if....else statements

Please write below code in your IDLE and run : Here input() function will take input from you or user accordingly.

Here you will note why we have assign variable “int” but in python as explained above no need to assign any variable……think!!!!!!............yes you are right because python default variable is string so to make it integer we have to mentioned below as “int”.

Save the file for above code as test.py and execute compiler by pressing F5. Output would be shown as below :


Enter a number: 12

Enter another number: 13

Second number is greater than first number

nested if statements
