
Website Penetration Testing

Different Type of Trojans

Trojans classified to the type of actions perform your computer:

  • Backdoor
    Trojan gives malicious users remote control access over the infected system. Which enable to do anything as they wish on infected system as sending, receiving and deleting files.

  • Exploit
    Exploits is software coded that does the exploitation that contain data or program code takes advantage to attacked of a vulnerability within software, program on your computer.

  • Rootkit
    Rootkits are designed to some certain objects in your system. In order to change host operation system.

  • Trojan Banker
    Allow attacker to steal your account information for online banking transactions or in systems, as e-payment systems and credit or debit cards.

  • Trojan D-DoS
    Distribution Denial of Service - attacks against a targeted web address by sing multiple internet connection or multiple computer as using zombie army, the attack can overwhelm target system which cause to denial of service.

  • Trojan Ransom

    This type of Trojan can modify the system data or computer, so that your computer doesn’t run properly as no longer use of files or data. The criminal will only fix your computer’s performance of your data if you paid for asking money through bit coin or online transaction