
Website Penetration Testing

Certificate life cycle

The life cycle of a certificate can be broken into definite stages, as discussed in the following sections.

Certificate Enrollment
A user request proposes certificate enrollment to the appropriate CA. This is a concerted process between a user and the CA. The enrollment request contains the public key and enrollment information.

Certificate Validation
When a certificate is used, the certificate status is checked to verify that the license is still operationally valid.

Certificate Renewal
When a certificate quantity its expiry date, and if the certificate policy allows it, it is renewed either automatically, or by user intervention.

Certificate Destruction
When a certificate is no longer in use, the license and any backup copies or archived copies of the document should be destroyed, along with the private key associated with the material. This helps ensure that the certificate is not compromised and used.

Certificate Auditing
Certificate auditing associate tracking the creation, expiration, and revocation of certificates. In specific adduce, it can also follow each successful use of a license.