
Website Penetration Testing

OS Authentication Architecture

In Windows Authentication is process by which system validates a user's logon information. A user credentials are compared against an valid or authorized list, and if the system detects a exact, access is granted provided with permission list for specific user.

As an extensible architecture, Windows Server implement a default set of authentication, which include the Kerberos protocol with NTLM. Protocols used by providers which enable authentication of valid users, computers or services, and authentication process enables only authorized users with services to access resources.

Windows Server authenticate users by using SSPI to get specific calls for authentication. Windows Server include a set of security components with Windows security. These components ensure about applications can not gain unauthorized access to resources without authentication as stated below:-

 1. Local Security Authority

 2. Security Support Provider Interface

Local Security Authority

Local Security Authority, in short also refer as LSA, is a subsystem that is protected by authenticates and sign in users to local computer. LSA contain information about all detail of local security on a computer. Also provides services between names and SID - security identifiers.

Security Support Provider Interface

The SSPI - Security Support Provider Interface is the Application Program Interface that contains security on integrated services for integrity, authentication, message and privacy with security quality-of-service for application protocol.

Its a implementation of the GSSAPI - Generic Security Service . Provides a mechanism which distributed application that can also call one of several security to obtain authenticated connection by not knowing of the details of the security protocol.