
R Programming Complete Tutorial

Evolution of R

In 1993, R was introduced by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman at the University of Auckland. It was an implementation of S programming language combined with lexical scoping semantics.

In 1995, R was released as open-source software. In 1997, the first R core group was formed, and in the same year, comprehensive R Archive Network was founded. The first stable version of R was released in 2000.

In the next four years, there were many releases with improving the feature of R. In the year 2004, the second version of R was released. The same year also saw the first useR! Conference.

R journal was first published in the year 2009.  In the year 2013, the third stable U of R was released. In 2019, R 3.6 was released, in the very same year usrR! Conference also happened.