
R Programming Complete Tutorial

RHADOOP Packages:

RHadoop is a series of five R packages that allow users to use Hadoop to manage and analyze data. The packages have been tested on recent releases of the Cloudera and Hortonworks Hadoop distributions and should have a broad compatibility with open source Hadoop and R's distribution. We usually test on recent Revolution R/Microsoft R and CentOS releases, but we expect all the RHadoop packages to work on a recent release of open-source R and Linux.

RHADOOP Packages:

  • rJava: Low-Level R to Java Interface

  • rhdfs: Integrate R with HDFS

  • rmr2: Mapreduce job in R

  • plyrmr: Data Manipulation with MapReduce job

  • rhbase: Integrate HBase with R

                                   Fig: R packages for RHADOOP