
JAVA Complete Course

Character Extraction

There are couple of ways of extracting characters from string. To extract single character from String we should use charAt(int index) method. But if we pass an index which is less than 0 or greater or equal than the size of string (amount of characters) we will get ArrayIndexOutOfBoundExceotion.

If we want to extract not only one character but the sequence of characters we should use getChars() method:

Here first (stringStart) and  second (stringEnd ) parameters of methods are the starting and ending index of the substring. Third patameter (arr ) is the character array that will contain the substring. It will contain the characters starting from stringStart to stringEnd-1. arrStart is the index inside arr at which substring will be copied. The arr array should be large enough to store the substring.

getChars() method has an alternative which is toCharArray() and it gives us the array of chars. Also we have operation substring which takes the first index and last index.