Understanding Requirement: Why Java
Why Java is important to the Internet
Java On Linux
First Java Program
Java Virtual Machine Architecture
Class Loading Process by Class Loaders
Role Of Just In Time Compiler
Execution Engine
Data Types
Arithmetic Operations
Shifting Operators
Logical Operators
Control Statements
Object Oriented Paradigms
The Three OOP principles
Looping Statements
JAVA Class Fundamentals
Command Line Arguments
Static Initialize
Creating an Object
Instance Variable Hiding
Overriding and Overloading of methods
Understanding The Access Controls
Nested And Inner Classes
Dynamic Method Dispatching
Abstract Classes
Using Final To Prevent Overriding & Inheritance
Garbage Collection
Defining a package
Understanding Classpath
Access Protection
Importing packages
Defining and Implementing An Interface
Abstract classes vs Interfaces
Fundamentals Of Exception Handling
Types Of Exceptions
Learning exception handling, try-catch, multiple catch clauses
Nested Try Statements
Throw, Throws and Finally
Custom Exceptions
Java Thread Model
Creating A Thread
Context Switching
Synchronization: Methods And Statements
Inter-thread Communication
Whenever we decide to start learning of any programming language, there are couple of requirements we need to go through. But if you decide to learn Java, it seems that you are a bit lucky as there are not too much of the requirements you have to meet. To my mind, the only and the biggest requirement is to be dedicated to learn it. It would be beneficial if you have an overview of Object Oriented Programming (OOP), but if not, it is not a big deal.
There might be another question why should we learn Java and not any other Object Oriented Programming language? Even if we don’t go into the deep details of specifics of few object oriented programming languages, there is the first answer that always comes up to our minds: Java is platform independent language. What does it mean? It means that we can write and run Java program on every machine: linux, windows, mac. The main idea of Java programming language is: Write once, run everywhere”.
Another reason, why should we learn Java is that this language is “rich” with its APIs. For example, Java has huge support of networking, Input/Output, Database connections and many other APIs, which comes together with JDK (Java Development Key) installation. Together with these, there are huge number of free libraries for Java language.
Together with the fact that Java is free, it has the most sophisticated documentation which helps developers to get known with the details of each class or library. Javadoc, makes the learning process easy and fast.
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