
JAVA Complete Course

Data Streams

Data Streams like Character Streams, which makes it easy to read and write character files, are used to perform binary input output operations of all the primitive data types in Java including Strings. For example, if we want to perform input/output operations for char, boolean, int, short, byte, long, float, double or Strings then we have data streams which provides a very  efficient way for those operations. This allows us to read-write Java primitives instead of raw bytes.

There are two main classes: DataInputStream and DataOutputStream. Let’s visit few points of them.


  • It makes InputStream Object wrapped and then application read the Java primitive data types from the wrapped input stream.

  • Conversion process into primitive data is machine independent.

  • It is users responsibility to make DataInputStream safe in multithreaded environment


  • Similar to DataInputStream it is wrapped object and then Java program writes primitives to the wrapped output stream.