
PHP Tutorial


Traits are used when a class needs to inherit properties or methods from multiple classes. As in PHP, one child class can only inherit from one parent or base class. Traits allows to declare methods that we can use in multiple classes and can have methods and abstract methods. The trait methods can use any of the access modifier. You can declare traits using trait keyword in PHP and to use trait in a class use the use keyword.

Syntax: trait trait_name {

// code including methods or properties


For example:

trait greeting {
public function greet() {
    echo "Welcome to PHP session! ";

class Welcome {
  use greeting;

$visitor = new Welcome();
$visitor ->greet();

In above example, we have declared a trait named greeting and used it in the class Welcome and the methods of the trait will automatically be available in the class using a trait. Similarly, you can use multiple traits in any class.