
PHP Tutorial

Making practical Use By Building Code Libraries For Code Re-usability

Building code libraries helps to speed up the code reusability process in PHP. You can make practical use of code reusability using code libraries. The code library is basically a separate file where all the function declarations or definitions are stored. The block of code that you need to reuse multiple times in your php script and when you decide all the functions to be built, you can build them in a separate file. 

  • It will help you in easy modification as all your functions will be in one file and any changes required in functions need to be changed only in that file. The code reusability becomes easier and faster by building code libraries. 

  • Many developers will be working on the same project, and one developer might not be aware of the function is created, or the modification is done or not but with the help of code libraries in php, consistency is maintained for the developers. 

  • When you maintain reusable codes, the size and complexity of your codebase php file reduce, and it becomes very useful to reuse the block of code required again and again.

  • In later years, if you decide a function to be replaced then with the code library, it is very easy to search that function and change it rather than checking all the php files and modifying the code.