

Introduction to the Complex number

A complex number is defined as z=x+yi, where  and  are real values. The most important property of a complex number is

We can also represent any complex number in an ordered pair of real numbers

For example,  is also written as .

The most important property of a complex number is to remember that,


Similar way, we can also use

  • ,

  • ,

  • , and so on.

Conjugate of a complex number is a number with the same imaginary number with opposite sign of a given complex number with the same real number and it’s sign. It is denoted as . It is also known as the multiplicative inverse of the complex number.

Let’s consider some examples:

1. Find the complex conjugate of .

A complex number may be a purely real number if its imaginary part is zero. The complex number is said purely imaginary number if its real part is zero.