
Fundamentals Of Linux

XINETD security

Disabling inetd-specific services

There are 3 xinetd services that provide information about the computer.

  • servers: report on the servers being used

  • services: report on accessible administrations, their conventions, and their ports

  • xadmin: consolidates the two commands given above

These services pose as security flaws since they can be utilized by threat actors to gather information about your server and network. Hence, it is smarter to turn them off. The disabled attribute can help achieve this. This goes into the defaults definition. Simply remember the accompanying line for your defaults area to expel these facilities:

disabled = servers services xadmin

You will now be able to begin to utilize xinetd with the configuration document changes definite above.

Limit access

The security choices of xinetd permit a lot of adaptability. Most significant is the only_from option to restrain the remote hosts permitted to utilize a service. The most extraordinary use is to add only_from to the top-level config document:



only_from = mymachine.local.domain

which enables no remote machines to utilize any xinetd service whatsoever. On the other hand, you can add an only_from line to any of the documents in /etc/xinetd.d/ to limit access on a per-service basis.

only_from can likewise take IP address scopes of the structure nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn/bits, just as domain names. For instance,

only_from = .somewhere.friendly.com

which in the last case permits access from all machines with the host names finishing off with .somewhere.friendly.com.

At last there is the no_access option that works indistinguishably from only_from, directing hosts and IP ranges from which connections are not permitted:

no_access = .snake.oil.net


It might be imagined that utilizing /etc/hosts.deny (or only_from =) to deny access to every single remote machine ought to be sufficient to secure a system. This isn't true: even a local user having the option to get to a local service is a potential security gap, since the service normally has higher privileges than the user. It is ideal to remove all services that are not totally necessary. For Internet machines, don't stop for a second to hash out each and every service or even uninstall inetd (or xinetd) altogether.

Disable/Enable a Service

You need to stop a particular TCP service from being conjured on your computer by xinetd.

On the off chance that the service's name is "myservice," find its setup in /etc/xinetd.d/myservice or /etc/xinetd.conf and include:

disable = yes

to its parameters. For instance, for disabling telnet , alter /etc/xinetd.d/telnet:

service telnet



disable = yes


At that point advise xinetd by signal to get your changes. To do this, send the SIGUSR2 signal. For allowing access, expel the disable line and send the SIGUSR2 signal again.

Access Control

We will take the example of tftp for explaining this.

service tftp


socket_type = dgram

protocol = udp

wait = yes

user = root

server = /usr/sbin/in.tftpd

server_args = -s /tftpboot

only_from =


For disallowing connection from computers within the local subnet during non-working hours the accompanying line could be appended at the end of the section:

access_time =10:00-19:00

In the same manner, specific connections could be disallowed all the time by adding the following rule:

# this guy is trouble

no_access =