
Fundamentals Of Linux

File System Management Troubleshooting


Getting ram information

cat /proc/meminfo
or if you impoverishment to get rightful the amount of ram you can do:
cat /proc/meminfo | head -n 1

Another diverting thing to do with RAM is really open it up and take a looking at it. This next command will display you all the series (plain text) values in ram.

sudo dd if=/dev/mem | cat | strings

Getting cpu info

If we want to know what processor we are using and how much cpu is currently being used by our OS and programs. We can do this with these two commands.  

cat /proc/cpuinfo

Check the temperature of your CPU

Keeping a system within a safe temperature is the best key to maintaining a stable running system.

cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THRM/temperature

Check out how much hard drive space is left

df -h

See what HDD or hard drives are currently detected

It is frequently accommodating to know what HDD or disk drives are attached to a system and what name was given to the Linux directory. This info allows access us to mount the hard drive and manipulate the same

sudo fdisk -l