
Debugging a Node application

We have discussed a lot of topics at length. But how can we debug an created Node.js application.

For this, we have a number of methods available

1. Using Command Line tools

2. GUI

3. And few others

Using Command-Line tools

1. Console.log is the simplest debugging mechanism. You can insert it at different points in the code block and find the state of the program.

2. Node’s built-in debugger Node uses a debugging interface provided by the V8 virtual machine. In order to stop the application execution, we can use Node’s use built-in debugger.

3. Node Inspector provides GUI for debugging Node program.

By default, node run on daemon port or PORT 8080 and can be launched using the command


following which you use

node debug-brk

Let's understand this with an example:

Create a javascript file named


On Running       


Let's debug the application now

4. The pointer is currently at the anonymous function (highlighted)


Press n to move the pointer to run/debug the next statement

Which is

let index=0

(Highlighted in the undermentioned diagram)

Press n again to move the pointer to next executing statement
which is comparison operation inside the loop

Index<100 (highlighted)

Pressing n again

Pressing n again

Pressing n again (Highlighted)
applying comparison operator returning False

Pressing n
Applying increment operator

and so on.