
Basic Command

To install Android apk we use adb: -
 santoku@santoku# adb install appname.apk

 To convert apk file to jar we use dex2jar: -
 santoku@santoku# dex2jar appname.apk

 To get Android Manifest.xml file and smali code we use apktool: -
 santoku@santoku# apktool d appname.apk

 To see the logs we use logcat: -
 santoku@santoku# adb logcat

 To go to the shell we use again adb: -
 santoku@santoku# adb devices
 santoku@santoku# adb shell

 To unzip an Android apk we use: -
 santoku@santoku# unzip appname.apk

To know the type of file we use the file command: -
 santoku@santoku# file filename

 To dump the database we use sqlite command: -
 santoku@santoku# sqlite3 filename

 To access information from outside the app we can use the following command: -
 santoku@santoku# adb shell am start filename/.directoryname
 Am: It is Activity Manager tool
 Start: It is used to launch an activity

 To find strings used we can use the grep command: -
 santoku@santoku# grep -lr 'content://'*