
JMeter Complete Guide

Aggregate Graph

Aggregate Graph

The Aggregate Report listener shows the aggregated and statistical data for each sample of the script. The Aggregate Graph similar to   the Aggregate Report
 Median: Half of the requests took this response time, and rest took more than this.
 90% Line: 90% of requests took this response time, and the rest took more than it. 
 95% Line: 95% of requests took this response time, and the rest took more than it.
 99% Line: 99% of requests took this response time, and the rest took more than it.
 Minimum Response Time: This is the minimum response time taken by any of the requests.
Maximum Response Time: This is the maximum response time taken by any of the requests.
 Error Percentage: Depends on how many requests passed or failed
 Throughput: In computer technology, throughput is the amount of work that a computer can do in a given time period. Higher the throughput higher the performance.

    Screenshots Of Aggregate Graphs: -