

JavaScript Function Expressions

Function Expressions:

Functions can also be defined using expressions in JavaScript. This can be stored in a variable.


Consider an example of adding two numbers.

var sum = function (x, y) { return x + y };

This function is an example of an anonymous function since it does not have a name. If a function is stored in a variable, then it does not need a name. That function can be invoked using the variable name.

Function() constructor:

JavaScript has a built-in constructor, Function(), for defining functions.

var sum = new Function(“x”,  “y”, “ return x + y”);

This is same as writing,

var sum = function (x, y) { return x + y };

In general, use of the built-in constructor, Function(), is not recommended.

Local variables:

The variables that are declared within a function are local variables, which are local to the function. They can be accessed only from within the function and cannot be accessed from outside the function.


function sum (x, y) {

            var sum;

            sum = x + y;

return sum;    // returns the value of x + y


console.log(sum);     // will print undefined because sum is declared and defined within the function and cannot be accessed from outside.

Used as variables:

It is not necessary that the return value of a function must be stored in a variable and then used. Functions can be used directly as well without storing the return value.


function sum (x, y) {

            return x + y;


var output = “The sum of variables is 10 and 9 is” + sum(10, 9);

Function Hoisting:

Hoisting applies to both variables and functions in JavaScript. This allows to use a function even before it is defined/declared.


sum(x, y);

function sum (x, y) {

return x + y;


In the above example, the function sum is called first and then it is declared. However, because of hoisting, the function declaration moves to the top and hence when the sum function is called, it is executed as expected and does not throw an undefined error.