
Physical Chemistry

  • Some Basic Concepts in Chemistry
  • Atomic Structure
    • Currently, there are no topics in this unit.
  • Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties
    • Currently, there are no topics in this unit.
  • Liquid State
    • Currently, there are no topics in this unit.
  • Solid State
    • Currently, there are no topics in this unit.
  • Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
    • Currently, there are no topics in this unit.
  • Chemical Thermodynamics
    • Currently, there are no topics in this unit.
  • Solutions
    • Currently, there are no topics in this unit.
  • Equilibrium
    • Currently, there are no topics in this unit.
  • Redox Reactions and Electro-chemistry
    • Currently, there are no topics in this unit.
  • Chemical Kinetics
    • Currently, there are no topics in this unit.
  • Surface Chemistry
    • Currently, there are no topics in this unit.


Empirical Formula and Molecular Formula

Empirical Formula and Molecular Formula:

An empirical formula represents the simplest whole number ratio of various atoms present in a compound.

The molecular formula shows the exact number of different types of atoms present in a molecule of a compound.

Chemical Equation:

Representation of a chemical change in terms of symbols and formulae of the substances involved in the reaction is called chemical equation.

Limiting Reagent:

The reactant which gets consumed first or limits the amount of product formed is known as limiting reagent.


Concentration of Solutions:

Mass Percent:

Mass Percent is the mass of the solute in grams per 100 grams of the solution.

A 3% solution of sodium chloride means that 3 g of NaCl is present in 100 g of the solution.

Volume Percent:

Volume percent is the number of units of volume of the solute per 100 units of the volume of solution.

A 4% (v/v) solution of ethyl alcohol contains 4 cc of alcohol in 100 cc of the solution.


Molarity of the solution is defined as the number of moles of solute dissolved per litre of the solution.


Molality is the the number of moles of solute present in 1 kg of solvent.

Mole Fraction:

Mole fraction is the ratio of number of moles of a particular component to the total number of moles of the solution.