

Life before the Internet was not that simple. No internet means there were no websites to acquire information related to a particular niche. People used to extract information by reading books which were a time consuming and an effort taking task.

But today, one needs to sit on the PC, open up a web browser, and start to search in the search engine of their choice. Any piece of possible data rests readily at your fingertips. There is also a high possibility that someone has set up a website that is talking about your searches.

This E-book is all about the 2 most important languages to make a website, i.e., HTML and CSS. Before we start to get accustomed to these two languages, let's understand the difference between them, some standard notations as well as the syntax of each language. 

So let’s begin. We guarantee you that you are going to enjoy this journey a lot. So sit tight and enjoy coding.